Dengan Registrasi di atas maka game FEAR agan-agan akan terhindar dari problem seperti ini :
"ADMIN_RIGHTS"="No administrator rights.Please log-in with an account having administrator privileges and restart the program.This will install a service which grants the necessary priviliges to user accounts."
"ANALYSIS_DISCLAIMER"="Dear Software User,This test program has been developed with your personal interest in mind to check for possible hardware and/or software incompatibility on your PC. To shorten the analysis time, system information is collected (similar to the Microsoft's msinfo32.exe program).Data will be compared with our knowledge base to discover hardware/software conflicts. Submitting the log file is totally voluntary. The collected data is for evaluation purposes only and is not used in any other manner.Your Support TeamDo you want to start?"
"ANALYSIS_DONE"="The information was successfully collected and stored to the following file\"%FILE%\"Please contact Customer Support for forwarding instructions."
"ASPI_LAYER_NEEDED"="No ASPI layer found on your system. This is necessary for successful authentication. See for more details."
"AUTH_TIMEOUT"="Unable to authenticate original disc within time limit."
"DISC_UNSUPPORTED"="Can not authenticate the original disc. Your disc may require a different software version.Please contact the manufacturer of your application or visit for further information."
"EMULATION_DETECTED"="Emulator detected!Please deactivate virtual drive and emulation software."
"NO_DISC"="No disc inserted.Please insert the CD/DVD."
"NO_DRIVE"="No CD/DVD-ROM drive found."
"NO_ORIG_FOUND"="Original disc could not be found or authenticated."
"OTHER_DRIVE"="Please remove disc from current CD/DVD drive and insert the original disc in another drive %DRIVE%."
"SECURITY_MODULE_NEEDED"="A required security module can not be activated. This program can not be executed."
"UNSUPPORTED_OS"="This application is not compatible with the installed operation system.Please upgrade to Windows 2000 or better."
"WRONG_DISC"="Wrong disc inserted.Please insert the CD/DVD."
Oke keren kan gan? sekian dulu postingan dari ane gan.. jangan lupa baca artikel yang lainnya juga yang mungkin berguna dan agan sekalian tetarik hehe ^^_
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